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dramaturgy and direction / Marco Andreoli, Daniele Timpano
with / Daniele Timpano, Valerio Malorni

lighting design / Marco Fumarola

realization of the corpse "Giuseppe Mazzini" / Francesco Givone

graphic design / Pierluigi Rauco
additional music / Marco Maurizi

artistic collaboration / Elvira Frosini

lively production / amnesis, Bordeaux Circus, Rialto Santambrogio, Voices of Source - Siena Festival

with the support of "Independent Scenarios" - Province of Rome
in collaboration with Ozu, Area 06, Documentation Center Teatro Civile, Consorzio Ubusettete


Italy does not rise. Italy is not there. History is not there. Because history is always unreliable. In the reconstruction of the historian, as in the memories of the witnesses, in the fiction, as in the novels, in the shows of the Baliani and the Paolini, of the Timpano, of the Enia and of the Celestini, as well as in the TV of Alberto Angela. And then you have to take everything with pliers because everything, alas, must be interpreted, updated and discussed. The five days of Milan, the enterprise of the Thousand, Porta Pia and Pius IX, Garibaldi and Mazzini: as many moments and figures that propaganda, vulgarity and rhetoric have flattened, faded and stuck in that myth of forced, imaginary and falsely agreed foundation that they call Risorgimento. With at least one important result: that we like the word Risorgimento, with the peace of mind of the Northern League, the neo-Bourbon and the papists. It's Italy? With all its ups and downs, with its boasted splendor, with the daily mafia, what is Italy today?

Risorgimento pop is a show about Italy that does not exist, about Italy that does not arise, that if it is risen, is left, a show about the Risorgimento, about the four fathers of the homeland, Mazzini, Garibaldi, Cavour, Vittorio Emanuele, and on his antipapà, Pius IX. Two actors, risen and remorse, immortal corpses, alone on stage, in the absence of Italy. For a pop resurgence.

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